Prof. Dr. Hermann Waibel

Schwerpunkte in Forschung und Lehre
In der Forschung werden drei Schwerpunkte verfolgt. Erstens, Untersuchungen zu nachhaltigen Landnutzungssystemen und der agrarischen Transformation in Entwicklungsländern, insbesondere Ölpalmen in Indonesien und Naturkautschuk in Südwestchina. Zweitens, die Weiterentwicklung von sozioökonomischen Paneldatenerhebungen für ländliche Haushalte in den Schwellenländern Thailand und Vietnam. Drittens, Untersuchungen zum Risikoverhalten von armen und einkommensschwachen Haushalten in Afrika, Asien und Saudi-Arabien und die Auswirkungen auf Armut und Ernährungssicherung.
In der Lehre werden sowohl die Grundlagen der Entwicklungsökonomik sowie weiterführende Konzepte und empirische Anwendungen im Bereich der Projektanalyse, der Bewertung von natürlichen Ressourcen und Umweltgütern in Entwicklungsländern sowie Ansätze aus dem Bereich der globalen Ernährungsicherung vermittelt.
Prof. Dr. Hermann Waibel
Date of birth October 6, 1951 Place of birth Stixenhof, Baden-Württemberg, Germany Nationality German Civil status married, two children Contact address Leibniz University Hannover, Königsworther Platz 1
D-30167 Hannover, Germany
Tel (+49)-511-762-2666, Fax: (+49)-511-762-2667
Language Skills German (mother tongue), English (written and spoken); French (basic) Thai and Tagalog (basic communication) Educational background 1979 MSc Agricultural Economics (Diplom-Agrarökonom) University of Hohenheim, Germany 1984 Ph.D. Agricultural Economics, University of Hohenheim, Germany Current academic position Director of the Institute of Development and Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Leibniz University Hannover;
Speaker of DFG Research Unit No. 756 -
Academic positions and management experience
Academic positions
Professor of Development and Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Hannover (since 2001)
Professor of Economics in Horticulture, University of Hannover, tenured position (1994 - 2001).
Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of Göttingen (1991 – 1994), temporary (non-tenured) position
Associate Professor of Farming Systems, Agriculture and Food Engineering Division, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Bangkok, Thailand, (1988 – 1990)
Deputy Project Manager and Project Economist, Agricultural Development Project in Thailand, Department of Agricultural Extension, Bangkok, Thailand (1984 – 1988)
Research Associate, Institute of Agricultural Economics, University of Hohenheim
Associate Project Economist, Agricultural Development Project in the Philippines, and Bureau of Plant Industry with duty stations in Manila, Camarines Sur, Iloilo, Nueva Ecija and Sultan Kudarat (1980 – 1982)
Management experience
Coordinator DFG Langzeitvorhaben- Poverty and Sustainable Development: a long-term panel data project in Thailand and Vietnam; The Thailand-Vietnam Socioeconomic Panel (see since 2016; (first phase until 2018; complete duration until 2024).
Coordinator of the Research Unit 756 on “Vulnerability to Poverty in emerging economies in South East Asia”, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (since 2006). Includes nine professors, 10 - 15 research staff and up to 80 local research staff (temporary basis).
Director of International Programs of the University of Hannover (2000 – 2003). Supervising six staff members of the university’s international office
Chairman of the Senate Committee for International Relations of the University of Hannover (2000 – 2003)
Chairman of the Executive Board of the Centre of Business Management and Applied Research in Horticulture in Germany, (1995- 2006). The Executive Board consists of high level representatives of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Consumer Protection and 16 State (Länder) Ministries of Agriculture, Environment and Economics.
Member of the Senate Committee on International Relations of the University of Hannover (1995 – 2006)
Dean of Student Affairs, Faculty of Horticulture, University of Hannover (1998 - 2000)
Member of the Faculty Council in Economics and Management, University of Hannover (2003-2006)
Member of the Faculty Council, Faculty of Horticulture, University of Hannover (1997 - 2000)
Executive Director of the Institute of Agricultural Economics, University of Göttingen, Germany (1993-1994). In charge for a total of about 70 researchers, including seven full professors, research and administrative staff.
Experience with reviews (since 2000)
Experience with reviews (since 2000)
Ongoing (since 2011) Member Review Panel Meeting r4d Food Security; Swiss National Science Foundation(SNSF)/Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) 2016 Consultant for GIZ: Living Income and Living Wage Project in Malawi and Indonesia 2014 Team leader of CCER of ICARDA’s social science and policy programme 2013 Panel member of the Evaluation of FAO’s crops programme (in charge for IPM and integrated approaches) Consultant for Asian Development Bank’s 2014 Key Indicator Project (Paper on Nutrition-poverty link) 2012 Evaluation of DAAD Exceed Program; team leader for Food Security 10/2010 - 03/2011 Visiting Senior Economist, Regional Sustainable Development Department (RSSD), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila, Philippines Team Leader Evaluation of World Bank/GTZ Livelihoods Project “Java Reconstruction Fund” 2009 Advisor Food Security Project of GTZ in Jemen Republic 2008 Team Leader of 2nd Scientific Evaluation Panel for funding top scientists at Swedish Agricultural University (SLU) on behalf of FORMAS Team Leader Impact Assessment of Professional Certification of Bank managers in Indonesia on behalf of the Bank of Indonesia (BI), commissioned by GTZ 2007 Team Leader of 1st Scientific Evaluation Panel for funding top scientists at SLU Swedish Agricultural University (SLU) on behalf of FORMAS Member of the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology (IAASTD); Co-Author of Chapter 8 (Impact) Member of Evaluation Panel of German Research Association (DFG) to evaluate the Humboldt University Berlin Member of Evaluation Panel of Leibniz Gemeinschaft Germany to evaluate the Institute of Agrarentwicklung für Mittel und Osteuropa (IAMO) in Halle/Germany Member of Evaluation Panel of Joint Formas-SIDA/SAREC (Sweden) funded programme for research on sustainable development in developing countries 2006 Member of Evaluation Panel of the Swedish Research Programme (FORMAS) on Organic Agriculture Convener Mini-Symposium on the Impact of Natural Resource Management Research at the International Association of Agricultural Economists Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, August 12-18, 2006 Focal Point for Global study on the impact of Natural Resource Management (NRM) research in the CGIAR: 2004 – 2006 2005 Advisor to the National Research Council of Thailand on Impact Assessment of Scientific Research in Agriculture and Natural Resources Management 2004 Visiting Scientist at the International Rice Research Institute, Philippines 2003 Advisor to the Asian Development Bank on Economic Impact of Farmer training in Pakistan 2002 Team Leader of Review Panel of Social Science Research of the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Entomology (ICIPE) a research centre affiliated to the CGIAR) 2001 Reviewer of the System-wide Program on Integrated Pest Management of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) together with Prof. Andrew Gutierrez, University of California, Berkeley -
Reviewer for scientific journals
Reviewer for scientific journals
1. Agrarwirtschaft (German Journal of Agricultural Economics)
2. Agricultural Economics
3. Agricultural Systems
4. Agroforestry Systems
5. American Journal of Agricultural Economics
6. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
7. European Review of Agricultural Economics
8. European Journal of Health Economics
9. Ecological Economics
10. Environment and Development Economics
11. Food Policy
12. Forest Policy and Economics
13. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability
14. Journal of African Economies
15. Journal of Agricultural Economics
16. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education
17. Journal of Environmental Management
18. Journal of Insect Science and its Applications
19. Journal of Plant Pathology and Protection
20. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences
21. Public Administration and Development
22. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture
23. World Development
Memberships / Credentials
Memberships / Credentials
Verein für Socialpolitik (German Association of Economics - Section Development Economics)
International Association of Agricultural Economists
Association of Agricultural Economics and Social Science in Germany
Association of Horticultural Research in Germany
German Association for Agricultural Research in the Tropics and Subtropics Plant Protection Society of Germany
Scholarship Award of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for the Philippines (1979)
Research experience (1st supervisor for completed Ph.D. projects)
Research experience (1st supervisor for completed Ph.D. projects)
1. Economics of de-intensification strategies of cereal-based farms in Northern Germany. Stoyke, Cord (1995), Dr. sc. agr.
2. Economics of introducing fruit trees in the Cordillera Central Northern Luzon, Philippines. Wesseler, Justus (1996), Dr. sc. agr.
3. The economics of rice-fish production systems in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Purba, Sirman (1997), Dr. sc. agr.
4. Small-scale aquaculture and Integrated Pest Management in intensive rice-based farming systems – Aa socioeconomic analysis of potentials, constraints and interactions. Hortstkotte-Wesseler, Gesa (1998), Dr. sc. agr.
5. Socio-economic impact of stone terraces in the province of Bam/Burkina Faso. Kunze, Dagmar (1998), Dr. sc. agr.
6. Economic criteria for pesticide policy assessment. Fleischer, Gerd (1998), Dr. sc. agr.
7. The effect of a pesticide tax on pesticide demand and income in Costa Rica. Agne, Stefan (1999), Dr. sc. agr.
8. The economics of pest management in citrus production in Thailand. Jungbluth, Frauke (1999), Dr. rer. hort.
9. Pesticides and human health: An economic analysis of rice-cotton systems in Northern Côte d’Ivoire. Ajayi, Oludeye (1999), Dr. rer. hort.
10. The role of improved seeds and fertilizer in food security under risk: The case of smallholders in Eastern Oromya, Ethiopia. Emana, Bezabih (2000), Dr. rer. hort.
11. The costs of soil conservation measures among smallholders in the Hararghe Highlands of Ethiopia. Adenew, Berhanu (2000), Dr. rer. hort.
12. Willingness to pay for traditional fruit tree meadows in two counties of Germany. Zander, Katrin (2001), Dr. rer. hort.
13. Economics of irrigation of vegetables and other intensive crops in the province of Lahj, Yemen. Abdul-Rahman Saeed, Samir (2002), Dr. rer. hort.
14. Economics of utilization and production of indigenous fruits in Southern Africa. Mithöfer, Dagmar (2004), Dr. oec.
15. The economic benefits of transgenic cotton in China. Pemsl, Diemuth, (2005), Dr. oec.
16. Economics of biological control in field vegetables in Europe - A cross-country comparison. Dirksmeyer, Walter (2006), Dr. rer. hort.
17. The Economics of Trypanosomiasis resistance in Sub-Saharan Africa. Affognon, Hippolite (2007), Dr. rer. pol.
18. The health benefits of farmer training in Nicaragua. Garming, Hildegard (2008), Dr. rer. pol.
19. Constraints to adoption of safer vegetable production technologies in Thailand. Krasuaythong, Thanaporn, (2008), Dr. rer. pol.
20. EUREP-GAP standards and poverty reduction in Kenyan horticulture. (2008) Asfaw, Solomon, Dr. rer. pol.
21. Spatial distribution and regional dynamics of vegetable production in Thailand. (2008) Hardeweg, Bernd, Dr. rer. pol.
22. Assessment of inland fisheries resources in Nigeria. (2009) Chiwaula, Levison, Dr. rer. pol.
23. The impact of inland fisheries resources management on poverty reduction in Northern Cameroon. (2009) Witt, Rudolf, Dr. rer. pol.
24. The impact of farmer education on productivity and efficiency of cotton in Asia. (2010) Pananurak, Piyatat, Dr. rer. pol.
25. Interaction effects of new technology and farmer training in cotton in China. (2010) Wu, Li-Feng Dr. rer. hort.
26. External costs of pesticide use in vegetable production in Kenya. (2010) Ibrahim Ndegwa, Macharia, Dr. rer. hort.
27. Risk and vulnerability in agriculture in Hue Province, Vietnam. (2010) Völker, Marc, Dr. rer. pol.
28. Risk and vulnerability in agriculture in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand. (2011) Tongruksawattana, Songporne, Dr. rer. pol.
29. Diversification strategies in agriculture in Vietnam. (2012) Tung, Phung Duc, Dr. rer. pol.
30. Research on vulnerability to poverty: A village case study from Thailand. (2013) Gödecke, Theda, Dr. rer. pol.
31. Contract farming in oilpalm in Indonesia. (2013) Ekko Rudy Cahyadi, Dr. rer. pol.
32. Assessing the adoption and impact of organic and fair trade certification of pepper in India. (2014) Parvathi, Priyanka, Dr. rer. pol.
33. Shocks, migration and welfare dynamics in South East Asia (2015). Mulubrahn Amare, Dr. rer. pol.
34. Essays on vulnerability to poverty, migration and gender in Thailand and Vietnam. (2015) Lena Hohfeld, Dr. rer. pol.
35. New insights from behavioural economics in developing countries. Liebenehm, Sabine (2015), Dr. rer. pol.
36. Sustainability standards among smallholder oil palm farmers in Indonesia. Ernah (2016), Dr. rer. pol.
37. Economic analysis of rubber land use systems in Southern China. Shi Min (2016), Dr. rer. pol.
38. Indebtedness and vulnerability of rural households in Thailand and Vietnam. Chichaibelu, Bezawit Beyene (2017), Dr. rer. pol.
39. Risk and culture: An empirical analysis of ethnic minorities in rural Vietnam. Dien Pham (2018), Dr. rer. pol.
40. Climate risk and economic development in Hué Province, Vietnam. Pahlisch, Thi Hoa (2019), Dr. rer. pol.
41. Livestock and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. Alirah, Emmanuel Weyori (2019), Dr. rer. pol.
42. Fish production, consumption and food security in Bangladesh. Ahmed, Badrun Nessa (2019), Dr. rer. pol.
43. Essays on the consequences of declining rubber prices for smallholder farming in Southwest China. Shaoze Jin (2020), Dr. rer. pol.
Ongoing Ph.D. projects
Ongoing Ph.D. projects
44. Huong Jaretzky (since 2015): Development and structural change in rural Vietnam.
45. Haowen Zhuang (since 2016): Rubber and risk: Assessing the impact of price volatility for smallholder rubber farmers in China.
46. Mark Brooks (since 2017): Measures to maintain data quality in long term panel household and village surveys in developing countries.
47. Chompunuch Nantajit (since 2017): The future of villages in rural Thailand.
48. Miriam Al Lily (since 2017): Poverty in Saudi Arabia.
- Economics of Development and Environment (270178) (Grote/Waibel)
- Project Planning and Evaluation (172803 / 377006)
- International Business Relations (377008/173591/17383) (Grote/Waibel)
- Ökonomie für Biosysteme, Teil 1: Investition und Planung in der Bioproduktion (76419) (Grote/Waibel)
- C013 Horticulture Economics / Horticultural Economics and Management Part 1: Economics
- Seminar Development and Environmental Economics (172807 / 273004) (Waibel/Grote)
- Seminar Asian Economies (173820 / 37700) (Waibel/Grote)
- Global Food Security (271023 / 17280)
- Introduction to the Economics of Developing Countries (271025 / 172802)
- Seminar Development and Environmental Economics (172807 / 273004) (Grote/Waibel)
- Seminar African Economies (377001) (Grote/Waibel)